Duck has pretty good skills, and I'm happy he's on my crew. After Duck left, Timmy joined them, and I felt very happy for the little guy.
And then El Toro joined my crew! He has amazing hits, and will be my firstmate forever.
And then Captian Blood...
And then I had to get some cards...
Woah...I just realized something, I have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many things to show you guys in pictures, so I guess I'm going to have to write. I have no idea what level I was back when I was doing these old quests, but now I'm level 49! I'm super excited for Aquila and Marleybone but for now I guess we are all going to have to be patient. I was very excited after this to go to Mooshu, which was very beautiful and stunning, and I wanted to stay there forever. However, after a couple battles with some new enemies, I wanted to leave right away. Moving on to companions. I have gotten some new companions such as- my first Mooshu companion, Hidenari Kuga, and my new first mate, The Monkey King. Monkey King is great, I just wish he was more accurate some times. As for Hidenari Kuga, he has great accuracy, I just wish he hit with better damage.
And now I'd just like to say that this is going to be my little post and I may have bigger posts later that have indepth descriptions of my adventures to level 50. As I am typing, KI is updating Marleybone and Aquila! I'm super excited and very happy that they have finally come.
Personally, I thought the ending to the game was pretty great.
So I leave you now, as a level 50 musketeer. And yes I know I'm a lazy poster.
Thanks for putting up with me,
Paige :)